Monday, January 28, 2008

Obituary of Dowlin Columbus (Lum) Ellis

Mr. Dowlin Columbus Ellis was born Decembus 27, 1853 and was married to Susan Elizabeth Cochran February 17, 1876.

To them were born 17 children, 10 sons and 7 daughters. Five of the children and their mother preceeded the father in death, four of them in childhood, the mother August 12, 1909: the last of the five, Mrs Mary McGuire, December 16, 1931, leaving five children of her own.

He was married to Mrs Fanniie J. Cheek October 23, 1913, who proved to be a faithful and loving companion even through his death, now being left to suffer untold grief and loss.

The surviving children's names are: John D, Thornton; Willie A., Hutting; Dr. Walter S., Fordyce; Nellson O., Little Rock; Robert L., Thornton; George D., Little Rock; Wilson, Beardon; Mrs. Eula Evans, Manila; Mrs. Sarah Evans, Thornton; Mrs. Julia Murry, Thornton; Mrs. Beulah Sullivan, Thornton and Mrs. Christine Jones, Thornton.

He also leaves 62 grand-children and 19 great-grand-children. He never united with a church, but privately confessed the Lord as his Savior.

He died in his own home November 13, 1933, 8:15 p.m.

Pall Bearers
Dr. T. E. Rhine, Mr. Jeff Gatling, Eld. C. A. Hampton, Mr. M. A. Martin, Mr. N. A. Steelman, Mr. R. L. Evans


Ellis Reunion 07 said...

click on the comment at "the time is drawing near" for more information.

Ellis Reunion 07 said...

click on the comment at "the time is drawing near" for more information.

Ellis Reunion 07 said...

click comments agt the bottom of "time is running out" for more information.